Reaching Out to
Those In Need
Making a Difference Support Us
Serving the
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Addressing real life challenges

AMI addresses the issues affecting the youth, women and children in the community with special priority focus on capacity building to children (4-13years); youth-both male and female (14-24years) and young women (18 -30 years).


Access to quality healthcare is essential for building strong communities, yet many people lack basic medical services and health education.


Education is the cornerstone of opportunity, but many children and adults still face barriers to learning and skill development.


Safe water, proper sanitation, and hygiene are critical for health, but many communities struggle with access to these basic necessities.


Sustainable livelihoods are crucial for economic stability, yet many people lack opportunities for employment and income generation.


Addressing real life challenges

AMI addresses the issues affecting the youth, women and children in the community with special priority focus on capacity building to children (4-13years); youth-both male and female (14-24years) and young women (18 -30 years).


Access to quality healthcare is essential for building strong communities, yet many people lack basic medical services and health education.


Education is the cornerstone of opportunity, but many children and adults still face barriers to learning and skill development.


Safe water, proper sanitation, and hygiene are critical for health, but many communities struggle with access to these basic necessities.


Sustainable livelihoods are crucial for economic stability, yet many people lack opportunities for employment and income generation.

About us

What Defines Us

Extending Hope and Healing for Every Heart:

We envision a compassionate society where every displaced individual and marginalized group in Uganda finds hope, health, and happiness through sustainable development and care.

Transforming Challenges into Opportunities:

 To address the critical needs of refugees and vulnerable populations in Uganda by delivering education, health services, and livelihood interventions rooted in Christian compassion.

Support is Key

Our Fundraising Campaigns

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Our Journey

How we got Here

Our Story

Inspired by the words of Jesus to care for those in need (Matthew 25:35-40), we founded AMI with a mission to alleviate poverty and address social issues through evangelism, outreach, and in-kind support. Our dedication to serving others is at the heart of everything we do, driving us to make a meaningful impact in communities worldwide. Through our health, education, WASH, and livelihood programs, we strive to bring hope, dignity, and lasting change to those we serve.

Our Story

Inspired by the words of Jesus to care for those in need (Matthew 25:35-40), we founded AMI with a mission to alleviate poverty and address social issues through evangelism, outreach, and in-kind support. Our dedication to serving others is at the heart of everything we do, driving us to make a meaningful impact in communities worldwide. Through our health, education, WASH, and livelihood programs, we strive to bring hope, dignity, and lasting change to those we serve.

Our Story

Inspired by the words of Jesus to care for those in need (Matthew 25:35-40), we founded AMI with a mission to alleviate poverty and address social issues through evangelism, outreach, and in-kind support. Our dedication to serving others is at the heart of everything we do, driving us to make a meaningful impact in communities worldwide. Through our health, education, WASH, and livelihood programs, we strive to bring hope, dignity, and lasting change to those we serve.

Our Story

Inspired by the words of Jesus to care for those in need (Matthew 25:35-40), we founded AMI with a mission to alleviate poverty and address social issues through evangelism, outreach, and in-kind support. Our dedication to serving others is at the heart of everything we do, driving us to make a meaningful impact in communities worldwide. Through our health, education, WASH, and livelihood programs, we strive to bring hope, dignity, and lasting change to those we serve.

Picture Gallary

Picture tell a About thousand Dream